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Israel in Egypt – from Slavery to Freedom. An Interfaith Oratorio.

A profound and exciting encounter // Choir and orchestra together with Israeli and Palestinian musicians retell the story of the Exodus // Created based on the shared history of the three monotheistic world religions of Christianity, Islam, and Judaism //
Werner Ehrhardt together with the Israeli peace activist and world musician Yair Dalal have created this “world music oratorio.”

‘Israel in Egypt’ is one of the most well known and popular oratorios by the Halle-born composer George Frederic Handel, and describes and reflects on the exodus of the Israelites from Egypt. Handel composed the large-scale oratorio in 1738 in London where he had been living since 1712.

Through the Jewish Torah and in the Christian Bible (Books of Moses, Old Testament), the exodus of the Jewish people and subsequent reflections thereupon in Israel in Egypt form a substantial part of the three religions, which in turn also play a important role in Islam.

The interfaith project “Israel in Egypt - From Slavery to Freedom” is intended to tell an archetypal story of humanity about the exodus of the Israelite people from Egypt in a musically broad form that unites peoples, religions and nations. The basis for this project is Handel's oratorio Israel in Egypt, the  libretto of which consists of pure biblical text (taken from the King James Bible). Part One “Exodus,” with the densely packed narrative of the Exodus and the plagues, is a compilation of the earlier chapters of the Second Book of Moses (Shemot of the Torah). Part Two “Moses’ Song” is an almost complete replication of chapters 15, v. 1-21 of the Second Book of Moses from the Old Testament (Shemot of the Torah).

Everything that “happens” or is reported without commentary in the first part is the subject of self-centered reflections in the second. For the musical and formal realization of the, musicians from the Christian-influenced western-European Baroque music scene (Baroque orchestra and choir) are joined by musicians with a Jewish and Muslim background.

Creating Respect, Tolerance and Understanding for the “Other” through the Power of Music

In addition to the Israeli oud player and violinist Yair Dalal, with whom the project concept was developed, a Jewish cantor and musicians from the Arab-Muslim cultural sphere are also integrated. Basically, on one hand the musicians enter into a musical dialogue with each other and on the other  create individual pieces of music together. It is less about a juxtaposition of musical and thematic levels, but rather about retelling the story of Israel in Egypt together.

This aspect, also valuable from a cultural and political perspective, offers an unique approach and opportunity for a cooperative encounter between Christian, Jewish, Muslim musicians. The overarching aim for both listeners and performers is to create respect, tolerance and understanding for each other through the power of music.

Artistic directors Yair Dalal and Werner Ehrhardt have dedicated themselves to the goal of developing an encounter and understanding between cultures in a unique way.



George Frederic Handel Israel in Egypt (HWV 54, 1738)
With excerpts from G. F. Handel The Messiah (HWV 56, 1741)
With music by Yair Dalal, traditional Jewish music and traditional Sufi music
Texts: King James Bible, Torah, Passover Haggadah and Koran

The Al Ol Ensemble / Yair Dalal director

Werner Ehrhardt artistic director
Orchestra l’arte del mondo 12 strings, 2 oboes, 2 bassoons, 2 trumpets, 1 trombone, harpsichord/organ

Project Partners

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»Israel in Egypt« with the Al OI Ensemble

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